Phase 3: A Doctor, a Panther….and a Spider?!? Pt… DEUX!!

Today’s meeting is set to be a good one, folks! We get to talk about one of my favorite heroes in the Marvel Universe. A comic that I’ve been eagerly waiting to be adapted to film. The one and only, Black Panther. The first black superhero of American mainstream comics, Black Panther has had an extreme effect on me. As a kid, I found solace in visiting the worlds of the black heroic icons that both Marvel and D.C. have created in their publications. Recently, however, I’ve found myself having to take a refresher course in all things BP, remembering all the amazing stories and locations that his story takes you on. With Marvel having a huge resurgence in the public eye with everything that Kevin Fiege has been doing with Marvel Studios, They’re taking some time to bring to light more of Marvel’s diverse universe of characters and environments.

Who is the Black Panther?

T'Challa_(Earth-616)_001Before I start the fan casting, for those that don’t know lets talk a little bit about who Black Panther is and the world he lives in. The Black Panther has always been the symbol of leadership and protection in the country of Wakanda. Wakanda itself is an advanced African nation in the Marvel Universe that is the soul source of the vibration absorbing Vibranium (the same material used to make Captain America’s shield)  Although many have held the office of Black Panther, Marvel Comics focus’ on the rise and rule of T’Challa as the Panther after the death of his father, T’Chaka at the hands of Ulysses Klaw.

T’Chaka was killed while T”Challa was still a child, so his Uncle S’Yan takes the mantle until he is of age and takes his Wakandan rite of passage. While on this rite of passage, T’Challa meets a young Ororo Munroe (known to most as the X-man, Storm), the two fall in love, but end the relationship due to T’Challa’s desire to take revenge for his father and be the man that he needs to be to lead his people and protect his nation. So to earn his title and attributes of the Black Panther by defeating the best warriors of other tribes (i.e. the White Gorilla Tribe, Lion Tribe, and Crocodile Tribe).

Once he was back in his country, after his rite of passage and the completion of his studies, He invited the fantastic four to his country, where he defeated them all to prove his skills as Wakanda’s leader and protector. After making the proper amends to the team, they allied with him in his effort to take down Klaw, thus helping complete his vengeance.

Where Would Marvel Go?

Marvel Studios has told a variety of different origin stories all with their new characters, and have done so using different film genres to do so. This is what makes Marvel such an intelligent production company. They see these stories for the potential that they have. Not only are they superhero movies, but they tell stories in different styles. You have the epic space-opera Odyssey that is Guardians of the Galaxy; the Period War Drama of Captain America: The First Avenger; there’s also the Spy Thriller of Captain America: Winter Soldier; There’s the epic Fantasy and “Magic” of Thor; and the Wanderer Western of the The Incredible Hulk is also another genre that Marvel has explored.

Obviously, the first movie would need to tell the origin of the Black Panther mantle in some shape or form as well as tell the rise of T’Challa as the Black Panther. What direction would Marvel go in this story? They’ve already mentioned they will be making an attempt at horror with the development of Doctor Strange, which will prove to be a most interesting genre to pursue in the telling of the superhero story. So, what would be the option for Black Panther? If you ask me, I say pursue a story that is in  the same vein as an epic Sword-and-Sandal tale. It’s the coming of age tale of a Warrior and Leader of a nation. It’s already framed to be big. So if they tell it I hope they go as big as they can.

The Panther’s Introduction to the Avengers

Marvel has already stated that they plan to have Black Panther in production soon, and, also, some of the shooting for Avenger’s 2 has been shot in South Africa. Now the location could be of no consequence, but it could also mean that they plan to introduce the idea of the Panther, if not, at least Wakanda and it’s Vibranium deposit in the next Avengers film.

For the Sake of Adaptation

2172838-cap-e1337710041880Now with licensing, Marvel doesn’t have the ability to be as authentic to the original content as I’m sure they would like. One thing is the fact that Black Panther’s first encounter with Marvel heroes is with the Fantastic Four, but Fox has the rights to those characters at the moment. This minor hiccup is something that can be handled, because he’s joining the avengers anyway, so, I’m sure they can easily swap the FF for the Avengers easily.

A big part of T’Challa’s story that will need to be revamped is his romantic connection to Storm. It’s sad, T’Challa and Storm’s story is one of the greatest comic book love stories, but, since the character is currently owned by Fox who is handling the story of the X-men we will never get a chance to see T’Challa and Ororo’s chemistry on-screen. This story will have to play up another one of Panther’s love interests, Monica Lynne, an american singer that T’Challa meets on one of his visits to the States. There’s an opportunity to tell an interesting story here in the fact that both characters are worlds apart. I’m sure Monica would be the type of woman who would intrigue T’Challa being that she wouldn’t be so easily swayed by his royal blood, different, I’m sure from the women that he’s use to.

Another part of the story which may prove to be difficult in adapting is whether or not they will decide to discuss T’Challa’s stepmother’s, Ramonda (The Queen Mother), kidnapping. It leaves a part of the story for which they can use to further prove T’Challa’s mettle, but with Marvel Studios seeming to stick with their PG-13 ratings, the kidnapping and subsequent abuse of Ramonda while held captive could possibly be too much. I don’t think it’s out of the question, but it’s difficult to hold on to a PG-13 with these kinds of themes.

Marvel’s Story of the Panther

The story that Marvel decides to tell will play a big role in how he plays into the bigger scope of the Avengers. Will they have him take leadership of his country by the end of the film? What age are they deciding on playing? I think the origin story will definitely be told here to its completion. Ulysses Klaw will definitely be the main villain of the film considering that he is the ultimate reason T’Challa needs to become the Black Panther. It will be an exploratory look at what quintessentially makes T’Challa him and worthy to take the Black Panther mantle. At its core, Black Panther is probably going to be a Quest movie, T’Challa will be looking for the Panther spirit within himself. He’ll be searching for answers as to who his father was and what defined him as a great leader and man, all the while remembering the lessons he taught him as a child.

Now, for the first movie, the cast will primarily consist of people who contribute to T’Challa’s growth as a character. As the sequels progress, T’Challa’s challenges and risks will grow much more. To start this story Marvel will most likely keep the individuals that contribute to the origin of the Black Panther:

  • T’Chaka: T’Challa’s father and the first Black Panther
  • N’Yana: T’Challa’s birth mother
  • Romonda: T’Challa’s step mother
  • S’Yan: T’Chaka’s brother and uncle of T’Challa, he holds the mantle of the Black Panther while T’Challa is in training.
  • Suri: T’Challa’s sister and rival. She has always wanted the Black Panther mantle, but respects her brother while he is in power. T’Challa does train her so that one day she might be able to take the title should the need ever arise.
  • Ulysses Klaw: The villain that slays T’Chaka and is T’Challa’s target of revenge.
  • M’Baku (Man-Ape): The strongest warrior from the White Gorilla tribe and one of the Panther’s adversaries.
  • Monica Lynne: a singer from the U.S. that T’Challa meets and falls in love with on his travels
  • T’Challa: son of T’Chaka and the Black Pather of the Marvel Universe. After the murder of his Father, T’Challa trains to take his rightful place as the next Black Panther.
  • Everett Ross: A U.S. State Department employee, whose job was to escort foreign diplomats on American soil. His world changed forever when he was assigned to T’Challa, the Black Panther.

Panther Interest

There’s been a lot of actors that have mentioned interest in playing this character. Actually, come to think of it, when actors are approached for superhero roles they become interested in the potential role that they are being called for. Black Panther, however, is a hero that is named with quite specificity by actors interested in playing the role. All of this happening before anyone has even been called for a chance. Outside of Batman and Superman of D.C., the chance to play the role of the Black Panther has a level of interest that displays how iconic the character is. Here are a few of the actors that have all expressed an interest in playing the role of T’Challa on the big screen:

Panther Picks

Now for the main event! How Marvel studios casts the Black Panther will play a role in the types of picks they’ll make. Will they make him a young character? Will he be aged? What position will he play on the Avengers? If they are setting up to have another Avengers team, what bearing does this have on the casting? They’ll need to find someone who will not only be able to tell the drama of T’Challa’s story but will also be able to believably embody the physical prowess of the Panther. At this point, it depends on where they end the story.

Child T’Challa

For this there were two choices for me. At this point in T’Challa’s life, there has to be a young actor who can pull off being hardened by a tragic event. The weight of the world on their shoulders and whatnot.

 Young T’Challa

The interesting thing about this section is this will be predicated by what Marvel decides to do with this story, and how much of T’Challas past we will be exploring. Another factor will also be where they decide to end the story. Will they make him older or will they stay at this

T’Challa the Black Panther

imagesT’Challa is an iconic character in Marvel and will need to be portrayed by an individual with the chops to make the role extraordinary. I’ve been pushing for Chadwick Boseman for a while and would love to see him in the role, but there are others who show strong capability to do so.

Update: Chadwick Boseman has been cast as T’Challa for the Black Panther movie slated for release on November 3, 2017! Great news as to the fact that most of my fan casting centers on him playing the role.

The Remaining Cast

Black Panther (T’Chaka)

T'Chaka_(Earth-616)_03T’Challa’s father will need to have the presence and strength necessary to demonstrate the power and history of the Black Panther mantle and dully show the care that he has as a husband and a father. Though his screen time will be brief, his character will have a profound effect on our hero.



S'yanS’Yan will be playing a mentor to T’Challa but will also need to have the strength and resolve to carry the mantle of the Black Panther. Who can successfully pull off the role of the Black Panther while T’Challa rises to the occasion? Here are my top three choices.

Monica Lynne

monica-lyne4Monica Lynne was a temporary character originally in the comics, but with Storm out of the equation, She will most likely serve to represent both women. As the love interest of T’Challa she will need to be equally beautiful and witty. T’Challa will most like have found his match in this woman. She has to be the Queen to his King, his equal in every sense. Here’s my three picks:

M’Baku (Man-Ape)

urlM’Baku is a beast of a man and one of Black Panther’s key nemesi in the comic. I would love to see M’Baku challenge T’Challa in combat and be the climax to his rite of passage story. In all honestly my one and only front running pick here is Nonso Anozie.

He's a beast of a man and his physique is match equally by his talent. He's had appearances in Game of Thrones, the Bible Miniseries, Conan the Barbarian, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, and the TV series Dracula. In each appearance, he leaves an impression. I'd love to see him in this role and think it was made for him.
He’s a beast of a man and his physique is match equally by his talent. He’s had appearances in Game of Thrones, the Bible Miniseries, Conan the Barbarian, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, and the TV series Dracula. In each appearance, he leaves an impression. I’d love to see him in this role and think it was made for him.

Everett Ross

EverettrossEverett K. Ross is government envoy that is an expert in all things Wakandan. He plays liaison of T’Challa and his go to man while he is the ambassador for Wakanda in the states. Everett Ross will prove to be a friend and ally to T’Challa. His character creates a lot of room for comic relief. So here are my choices

Ulysses Klaw

Ulysses_Klaw_(Earth-616)Ulysses Klaw is the main villain of Black Panther and will embody the target of T’Challa vengeance. Klaw will need to be cold, greedy, and power-hungry. These three actors would bring an interesting presence to the role.

Update: Now this is not really set in stone, but the Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer shows Andy Serkis in one of the shots and he looks eerily similar to Ulysses Klaw in his current incarnations. the question will be: is Serkis playing Klaw?


ramondaRamonda (Queen Mother) may not be T’Challa’s birth mother, but she’s played a big role in his upbringing. She will serve as his compassionate guide in his journey. When it comes to roles that may not take up much screen time, talent will be necessary to make an impact. These actresses have the ability to bring something special to the role.


ShuriShuri is the younger sister of T’Challa and his rival in all things. She will need to be able to display a strength all her own, but still will have her own youth to struggle with. She’s not familiar with battle other than what she’s trained for. She will heavily be affected by the events that follow the introduction of Klaw. In the comics, she eventually becomes the Black Panther herself.

As far as the direction of the movie goes, I’d love to see either Antoine Fuqua or Ridley Scott (depending on how Exodus does) at the helm of this film. Other than that, that’s all I got for you folks. Let me know what you think?

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