Cast Featurettes for the Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four Cast Commentary

Hey Folks, looks like there’s more info coming out on the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot. The Director Josh Trank and Writer/Producer Simon Kinberg discuss the reason they cast the actors that they did. No need to explain to me. All of these actors were chosen because of their incredible talent. They all have the talent of portraying the character in their most raw dramatic form, which I might argue will be a turning point for the superhero genre. With these actors arguably being the greatest dramatic actors of their generation, we could see a possible shift in the superhero game where instead of only being recognized by special effects, we can see these films starting to get recognized as heavy hitting dramatic works of art. This could mean seeing them in best picture, best actor/actress category. It’s still a dream, but it’s the natural progression of storytelling.

It’s interesting to note that these are cast commentary featurettes and now character featurettes. Looks like the story tellers want fans to see their vision. When they released the cast info they had me at below. I didn’t believe Jamie Bell had the physicality needed for the role until I saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. CGI has come a long way and now allows a lot of really powerful dramatic actors to take a role without having to fit a massive costume.

Check out the videos below and tell us what you think?

Michael B. Jordan – Johnny Storm (The Human Torch)

Miles Teller – Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic)

Kate Mara – Sue Storm (The Invisible Woman)

Jamie Bell – Ben Grimm (The Thing)

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