Let’s Be Cops….eehh… Let’s Not.

Casual Fridays are upon us again, and with that the release of some new films. This weekend you’ll probably be working out what you’re going to view. You don’t want to waste money…. That’s what we’re here for!… Ahem… I digress. Today we’re going to take a look at the film Let’s Be Cops. A comedy starring Damon Wayans Jr. and Jake Johnson (both from the Fox series, New Girl).letsbecopsheader

What can be said about this movie? Well the title says it all, right? I found myself sitting in this movie and was easily distracted. I even pulled away for a moment and came back to find that I hadn’t really missed anything integral to the story. I do, however, try to find the silver lining in most movies (except for you, Shyamalan, you are the bringer of dark stormy clouds void of silver linings). Honestly, Let’s Be Cops does begin to pick up around the mid point.

The movie starts off feeling a bit like an episode of the New Girl with the two leads embodying a mix of traits from all of the male characters in the show. As a wavering fan of the series, I did find this somewhat interesting. As fascinating as this little detail was, however, it was still not enough to keep me interested for the first half of the film. It wasn’t until the two characters fully committed to their decision to be fake cops for the rest of the film, did things really begin to get interesting.

The characters themselves where dull at first, but there are parts to them that the audience can find easy to connect to at times. Everyone has had those moments where you don’t know where you’re going in life and all the work you done hasn’t amounted to much but you know you want a little more. This personal aspect of character’s story does make things interesting considering the comedic situations they find themselves in.

Johnson and Wayans have their moments on screen that allow you to enjoy the fun of the movie but there aren’t enough of those moments to carry you through the film. I hope to see more from these guys as their big screen career continues (hopefully), but the reality of the situation remains: they just didn’t stand strong enough on their own in a comedic title. With that I’m going to give you this: if you are a fan of the New Girl series or even Happy Endings, give this movie a try, but for the rest of those who haven’t don’t waste your money on this one.

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