The Big Boss’s Rundown

Back to Basics

My Bossfam! It’s been a while, but I wanted to take some time out from our hiatus and get back to basics. Got a chance to check out a few things in the Geek world and I’m reporting back to you guys so that you can navigate through it all. I’m going to do that through a new segment I like to call The Big Boss’ Rundown. Every once in a while I’ll get to you guys through a blog post looking at things that have caught my eye in the worlds of movies, gaming, and TV. I’ll give you my thoughts on them and you can go explore for yourself. So, with no further ado, let’s dig in.


Sony’s universe of Spider-Man Characters kicks off its second entry (I consider the Spider-Man PS4 game to be their first entry) into the “Spider-verse” with Venom. The story follows investigative journalist Eddie Brock and his attempt a comeback following a scandal but accidentally becomes the host of an alien symbiote that gives him a violent super alter-ego: Venom. Soon, he must rely on his newfound powers to protect the world from a shadowy organization looking for a symbiote of their own. I won’t lie to you BossFam, you go into a movie like this (i.e. that’s Marvel, but not quite so) and come in apprehensive. You’re well aware that even though these are Marvel characters, it is in no way affiliated with a cinematic universe that you’ve come to know and love. You come in expecting that it’s not up to snuff.

Truth be told, the movie was ok. It wasn’t great as far as origin stories go, but it didn’t deserve the beating it received from critics. The common gripe is the absence of anything Spider-Man. This is understandable, the most bothersome part of the movie isn’t the actor portrayal or even the ultimate goal/direction of the film (don’t get me wrong, it has its problems). The most bothersome part of the story is the missed opportunity, the untapped potential of having the Venom character in the MCU.

For me, the movie was a bit erratic in delivery. Everything moved a bit fast for me and didn’t really give me a chance to appreciate the character. Hardy’s portrayal of Brock does come off a bit manic, but that’s to be expected when you have a literal voice in your head that you’re contending with. It feels a bit like Crank or Gamer.

The most potent parts of the film, however, aren’t even in the main storyline they both are the mid and end credits scenes that allow you to reconcile where this film sits comparatively to the MCU. Where the Spider-Man/Sony universe goes is beyond me, but I can honestly say that I’m at least intrigued.

The First Purge

Y’lan Noel as Dimitri

The Purge has been a franchise that honestly has been keeping its presence not only because of the company that produces it, Blumhouse Pictures, which has been crushing the horror genre but also because of the power of relevance. The links between certain political sentiments and the looming threats within this cinematic franchise are similar enough to have people see a very possible route to the future. As long as a movie that’s not only a horror/thriller have within it a case of what I like to call reasonable belief (i.e. of a possible future) It has an opportunity to play with your fears by stating a possible reality of existence.

The First Purge is a film that serves as a prequel for the franchise. As the title suggests, this is a story around the lives that would be affected by the Purge that would lead to future Purges. The movie plays on the idea of the exploitation of the disenfranchised. The testing of the Purge being implemented in the poorest neighborhoods of NY and the government inserting an overseer-type class of aggressors to push their agenda and ensure the Purge goes as planned by the New Founding Fathers of America. The symbolism is very overt and the story follows suit with the rest of the franchise. In my honest opinion, I got to enjoy this from home and I loved it.

My favorite part of this film is the character Dimitri, played by Y’lan Noel for one reason: the guy is an action beast. There’s a cool focus he has about him as he leads his crew and a determination that he has as he’s trying to save the people he cares about. I watched this film because I’m a big fan of the show “Insecure” and Y’lan shines as Daniel in the series. I wanted to watch him in The First Purge because, after hearing about his action scenes the prospect fueled an idea that I had about Y’lan possibly playing the new iteration of Blade. I can honestly say that my ideas were indeed confirmed watching this guy in this film. So I’m saying it now before anyone else does: Y’lan Noel for the new Blade in the MCU!

Spider-Man (PS4)

Caution: Spider-Man puns ahead!

This has been an AMAZING year in gaming, folks! I’ve never been excited for games the way I’ve been for the year of 2018. Spider-Man continues that excitement with the latest PS4 exclusive entry entering the fray. I would venture to say that this is the BEST (dare I say, SUPERIOR) adaptation of the Spider-Man character EVER (yes, I’m even considering Spider-Man: Homecoming in this list). Not only is the gameplay engaging and fluid, but the story is monumental and is a SPECTACULAR addition to the Spider-Man mythos.

My favorite aspect of the game has to be “Spider reaction time”. It’s one thing to be able to fight 10 enemies at a time but to be able to have time slow down at moments to really let the player react like Spider-Man is one of the greatest tools of the game. It’s very reminiscent of the Raimi Spider-Man series depiction of Spider-Sense. If you have PS4 you should do yourself a favor and get this game. On top of the excellent main story, there are three episodic stories coming out post-release that will keep the fun going.

The Dragon Prince

Netflix just dropped a new animated series from the writers of Avatar: The Last Airbender and it is fantastic! A new story, in a new and extraordinary world. I expect no less from the people who created Avatar: LAB, Legend of Korra, and the new Voltron. Dragon Prince sets up a world of magic that is literally split in half because of the use of dark magic. Without giving too much away, the world that is built up creates an interesting dynamic that pits humans against magical beings (namely dragons and elves). So, if you’re a fan of the Avatar franchise then give The Dragon Prince a view.

I normally don’t watch 3D/CG anime series because I always feel like the animation turns out a little blocky in their movements. It always feels like retro gaming, but this team is really getting it right. They took a lot of elements from Voltron as far as animation in CG and brought it over and create something engaging and beautifully animated. The magic system that is used is

That’s all I have for today, BossFam! We have a big new season on TV coming up so we’ll have lots to bring to you then.

Also, don’t forget there’s still time to donate to our Extra-Life campaign. The Professor, Wanderer, and I are raising funds for our local Children’s Network Hospital (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) and need your help to raise money for kids that could really use it. So, go ahead and follow the link below to our donation page and help us reach our goal and bring a little light to the children of CHoP!

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