Sin City: A Dame to… Sleep On.

Yet another casual Friday is upon us friends, and with it comes movie releases. This weekend you’ll probably want to go see a few flicks. One of which may be Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. Starring Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Josh Brolin


Have to be honest here, I wasn’t really excited when I heard that they were following up Sin City with it’s sequel. Reason being, Frank Miller, while being a great graphic novel writer, doesn’t really do a great job adapting his pieces to film. In trying to keep every piece of the story alive in his film renderings he forgets one thing: in reading graphic novels, when one gets tired, the novel can be placed down. Films, however, cannot. So, an experience that lasts almost 2 hours can feel more like 4. I found myself saying “You’re not done yet?” a lot throughout the last hour of the film.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Josh Brolin did an amazing job with their roles, but I have to be real here, a lot of the acting felt a bit tired too, folks. You think with all the practice Miller had with his other releases, maybe the process would get a bit better, but it felt more like the same tire bit that droned on and on.

Visually, the movie was brilliant. When your recreating the imagery from a graphic novel like this you can’t miss aesthetically.  There are frames in the movie that could literally be stopped blown up and hung on the wall. The visuals were simply stunning art pieces. Unfortunately, I didn’t come to the theater to just see visuals, I came to see a performance and sadly I didn’t get my money’s worth.

I would hold off on seeing this one unless your a die hard fan or just like Film Noir no matter what, but this one’s a no go for me. At least Captain America: The Winter Soldier came out on dvd this week. I can make up for the time I spent watching this…

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